Mobile game review: Night in the Unpleasant House
Let’s try something a little different today: a game review! Since “ Night in the Unpleasant House ” is interactive fiction, it’s not THAT far off from what I usually write about, but still. First game review! I found this game by googling “iPhone games like Edith Finch,” for what it’s worth, and the two games are not entirely dissimilar. They both take place in weird, creepy houses, both involve Dark Secrets of the Past… but the gameplay in Unpleasant House wasn’t entirely like anything I’ve played before. You play an unnamed, genderless (as far as I can tell) narrator, whose father disappeared ten years ago in the mysterious Mayor’s house. As one of the earliest choices in the game indicates, you’re either there for revenge or answers (maybe both). As you explore the house, you learn more about the mayor snd what happened to your father. Good stuff! This is basically a text adventure, and I’ve played quite a few of those back in the day, but the game here gives you actions with...