Video game review: Sally Face

Hey there folks, looks like it’s time for another video game review because... WOW, I really need to shout about this one to the world. Tiny bit of background first: I had actually never heard of Sally Face before, as far as I remember, although I LOVE point-and-click adventures (which this is), and obviously have a very special place in my heart for blue-haired, mask-wearing, disfigured musicians. That’s actually HOW I learned of this game, when my good friend and fellow writer Adam Wing (his books are amazing, please check them out here !) @-ed me in an RT of a gorgeous drawing of a blue-haired guitarist that looked almost, but not quite, like my Rei. (I’m not sure if the artist would be cool with me screenshotting the tweet, so please check it out here .) And it was hashtagged #SallyFace. So of course I clicked the hashtag, because I had to find out who this character was... and the game he was from sounded EXACTLY LIKE MY THING. (By the way, if you somehow found this ...